Hi writer. I’m Stacy Frazer, a certified book coach who empowers beginning and struggling fiction writers to overcome self-doubt and learn the tools they need to write and finish a novel they are proud of.

Writing a novel is an inside job that we don’t do alone.

Write It Scared Book Coaching For Fiction Writers

Novel Planning and Drafting Guide

Take the guesswork out of planning and drafting your novel.

Do you wish, more than anything, you could type "The End" on a story you are proud of?

  • Do you have a beloved story concept that has been begging to be written, but you don't have the confidence to start writing it?

  • Do you wish there were some simple steps you could take to get started writing the book you've always dreamed about?

  • Do you want to learn how to write a novel but can decide between taking a class, an online course, or going back to school for a writing degree?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this guide is for you

Writing is hard.

Not following your dream is harder.

Writing a novel takes courage. You must show up for your story and that means you must show up for yourself. You may have all the fears: the writing isn’t good enough, I don’t know enough, I’m not creative enough…

I’m boldly telling you none of those things are true.

You can be scared and still be unstoppable.
You can learn to write a book that is unputdownable.

No one can write your story but you.

It is hard. It is scary. It is vulnerable.

But it is incredibly honorable work, and you do not need to do it alone.

Let me show you how.

“I find that most people know what a story is until they sit down to write one.”

Flannery O’Connor

Do any of these sound familiar?

I have an idea for a book but I don’t know where to start.

“The blank page feels overwhelming.”


We have fantastic ideas every day. Sometimes more than one, but the blank page can be overwhelming.

The key is figuring out how to take that rough idea and turn it into a story. There are so many working parts: the concept, the theme, the characters, the backstory, the main conflict, worldbuilding, and more…

I know! It’s a lot.

But having these foundational elements in place will keep you from writing into the void or off in the weeds.

Here’s the secret: It’s not the idea that truly makes the story, it’s the execution.

Whether you’re a panster or a plotter having a framework for your story will help you write with more clarity.

I coach writers just like you, with the same worries. Let’s get started on the right track & learn all about those topics and apply them to your novel.

Download my free drafting

workbook & resource guide:

First Draft Confidence and take the guesswork out of drafting your novel!

Seven unfinished rough drafts in the bottom drawer…

“I’m a great starter, but I haven’t finished a novel yet.”


Do you get about 1/4 of the way through your story and lose steam or flame out completely?

Do you find yourself re-writing the first one, two, or maybe three chapters over and over?

Do other ideas sneak into your mind around the time you start to struggle with what happens next in your original story?

Do you eventually succumb to their siren call?

You are not alone. Starting is easy, exciting. Finishing is hard. There are going to be times when it feels easier to walk away. But listen a sec. What if the problem wasn’t in the story… what if the problem was in your mindset. My private coaching and small-group coaching opportunities have helped writers just like you reach the finish line!

I need to revise my first draft but don’t know how to begin.

“I’ve been revising for what feels like forever and it’s still not working.”


Congratulations! You finished your rough draft. This is fantastic. Take a moment to really celebrate this accomplishment. It is no small feat! Without the 1st draft, there can’t be 2nd or 3rd. Without the first messy draft, there will be no polished manuscript ready to meet the world. SO HUZZAH!

Okay, now roll up your sleeves once more writer friend, because real writing is re-writing. The process of revising a novel can be daunting but don't worry.

Honestly, it becomes the best part of writing once you get the hang of it. And it’s not done line by line in a linear fashion.

Revision is not about sentence-level edits. Nope. It’s about big, heavy structural lifting to make sure the foundational elements are in place: there’s a point, the world and plot are logical, the characters' arcs are complete, and more…

My 1:1 revision package helps writers like you turn their messy first draft into a finished manuscript!

Ready to make progress on your novel?

I’d love to help!